What is the largest religious gathering on earth? Any idea? It is considered to be the Kumbha Melā, a Hindu pilgrimage that takes place every three years in four holy sites in India successively, forming a twelve-year cycle. Each cycle includes a Mahâ Kumbha Melā, a gathering of tens of millions who flock to the city of Allahabad over a period of three weeks to bathe at the confluence (Triveni) of three sacred rivers – the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati. |
Allahabad has a fine TS and TOS presence. The members are delighted to help host the pilgrims, particularly those with reduced means. There are six TOS groups scattered around the city. “Seva Sangam” group in Tagore Town is unique in the sense that all the members of the Tagore Town Ladies’ Club are members of the group. There are over a hundred of them, making them the largest and most active group in the region of Uttar Pradesh.
This year in March, they provided alav (fire) at times of biting cold. Blankets, shawls and clothes were distributed and tea served to hundreds. One thousand puri sabji packets were offered to the needy. At the same time dana was distributed to thousands of Siberian birds on the banks of the river as they also are considered guests. Thousands of TS and TOS folders were distributed through book stalls. The team was aided by members of the TS at Anand Lodge, Mohila Dharm Lodge and Sandhyadeep Study Centre. |
The city of Allahabad has an interesting history in terms of theosophical work. Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, hailed from here. He joined the TS in 1903 at the age of 14 under the inspiration of Mrs Besant and his family provided the building for the Ananda Lodge. More than 75 years ago, well-known TS author, Dr I.K. Taimni, added the library to the lodge. A loved national figure in the TOS, Mr P.S. Mittal, resides in Allahabad. Our current International Vice-President, Mr Mahendra P. Singhal, completed a science degree at Allahabad University before taking a graduate course in civil engineering. The current organising secretary of the Tagore Town TOS group, Mrs Gyan Kumari Ajeet, is a popular Girl Guide leader. Years ago, she received a national award from the President of India for her services to education. She is still serving – she currently runs a school in the lodge building in the name of the TOS. We wish all members in Allahabad joy in their service endeavours. |